
Is it Guns or Antidepressants that is the Real problem with School Shooting?

Another horrific school shooting happened yesterday in florida. As usual, the focus is on more gun control, but is that really the problem? Maybe we should be more concerned about how many of these tragedies were committed by people on psychiatric drugs and antidepressants. Maybe big pharma is more to blame than guns. Maybe we […]

Wrap Your Head Around How Much a Trillion Dollars Is

We hear in the news and other places about how much our national debt is. Right now it’s around 18.5 Trillion dollars. I would put it in numbers, but I’m not sure I would get the zero’s right because there are so many. It’s hard to even wrap one’s mind around how much money that is. […]

Is Gay Marraige Really About Depopulation Under All The Fan Fare?

A warning and some insight from The Drudge Report. What’s going to happen next?

Supreme Court Gives New Meaning to Black Friday

Last Friday was a black day for this country. A corrupt supreme court forced a corrupt practice on the whole country. Gay marriage is now imposed upon the whole USA no matter what the States  or the people want. Let alone what the Bible says is right and wrong. We have to believe and stand […]

70 Years Without a Clear War Victory

As I was watching the remarks from Obama at Arlington cemetary in honor of our fallen veterans something he said really hit me between the eyes. He mentioned the 70 year anniversary of our victory in Europe at the end of WWII. It occurred to me that it was the last time a true war […]

A Tweleve Year Old Boy Telling Obama What’s What

If you listen to the news you know about Rudy Giuliani’s statement that Obama does not love America. I have to agree with him on that. I say what I really think most all the time, but it takes guts for such a public figure to say what he really thinks and not care if […]

MMR Vaccine Insert Warns About Pancreatitis & Diabetes

We hear a lot of talk about the connection between the MMR vaccine and Autism, but until recently I haven’t heard about the connection of the MMR vaccine and Pancreatitis and type 1 Diabetes, which has increased a lot in our children over the past decades. We are being told that it has been scientifically […]

Ben Carson, A Man Who Really Understands How The Government is Supposed to Work.

So many of us are fed up with government and the career politicians of both parties. With the way things are going some of us are wondering if there will even be an election in 2016. Listen to Dr. Ben Carson’s opinion on that: It is not Dr. Carson’s dream to become a politician or […]