Sentenced to Death for Being a Christian

The Christian woman in this story, Miriam Ebrahim, gave birth to her baby daughter in a Sudanese prison. Her 20 month old son is also in prison with her. Her husband is a Christian and US citizen. Other countries and humanitarian organizations are making attempts to have this sentence reversed and get this Christian woman and her children released. In times past the US would have been among the first and the loudest to demand her released. Although there has been some talk about it in Washington (for appearances sake is my take) the silence from the head of this government is pretty noticable.

I would hope that each of us who call ourselves Christians would have the same courage and strength of faith if we were faced with a similar choice. I admire her faith and courage and pray that it will continue until she is released or becomes a martyr for our lord Jesus.

Here is her husband story.

Your friend, Harley                  keeping on with the faith

About Kathy

I am semi retired and had lots of free time on my hands. I still work part time as a bookkeeper at the little hardware store in our small town but I still had free time to fill so I became a blogger here at The Harley Factor. I also am a compulsive beader so I started a beading blog to show off my bead work call Compulsive Beading. As I have gotten older and mostly wiser I have become very opinionated on a lot of subjects and will share them with you from time to time when I can't keep my mouth shut. Kathy Sinclair

5 comments on “Sentenced to Death for Being a Christian

  1. Hey Harley – thanks for “like” on “Importance of the Home School” – I read this Post on “Sentenced to Death on Being Christian” last week – I really “liked” very much, but had to quickly leave before I could press “like.” I also “like” the Post on “Shuni” but could not find “like” button (?!). Keep up the good work – you’re in my prayers (so is Serial Killer – even though Dolly, my American Dingo, does not like cats!… [please don’t tell her]).

  2. Reblogged this on These Christian Times and commented:
    Sentenced to Death for Being a Christian. A day will come when being a Christian in America will sentence you to death. It is coming and there will be blood on the altar

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