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The Blood Moons Are Coming: Blood Moon This Month Sparks Apocalypse Woes: Bible Scripture Cites World End, Total Lunar Eclipse Expected April 15, Blood Moon Eclipse On April 15 Is A Special Event, And The Man Who Discovered The Blood Moons (VIDEO).

It’s a little over a week until the first Blood Moon. In order to see it I have to be up at 5am. I don’t usually like being up that early, but I don’t want to miss is. I hope it shows up good in Idaho. No, I don’t expect Jesus to come back that day, but soon. I am expecting something significant to happen with Israel soon. That is what these Blood Moons have signified in the past so I expect it will be the same this time as well.

These Christian Times

SCROLL DOWN FOR NEWS AND VIDEO : Blood Moon mania is reaching a fever pitch, as people try to understand the meaning of this awesome phenomenon. What is amazing is that these Blood Moons fall on Jewish Festivals. Is God marking dates with signs?  What do these heavenly signs signify? The main stream media is finally reporting this amazing event. Of course the secular media’s ignorance and misunderstanding  of these events  have confused people into believing Jesus Christ may come on that day. These Blood Moons are nothing more than signs in the heavens that are pointing a warning to this spiritless world. Luke 21:25: “There will be signs in sun and moon and stars , and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves and. Not too long ago I wrote an article about the Polaris Star getting brighter. I…

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About Kathy

I am semi retired and had lots of free time on my hands. I still work part time as a bookkeeper at the little hardware store in our small town but I still had free time to fill so I became a blogger here at The Harley Factor. I also am a compulsive beader so I started a beading blog to show off my bead work call Compulsive Beading. As I have gotten older and mostly wiser I have become very opinionated on a lot of subjects and will share them with you from time to time when I can't keep my mouth shut. Kathy Sinclair

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